Kupferstich von Vincent van der Vinne (Haarlem 1686 – Haarlem 1742), Mennonitischer Radierer & Kunstmaler, Aus dem Buch «Leerzaame Zinnebeelden» (2. Ausgabe von 1756) von Adriaan Spinniker (Groningen 1676 – Haarlem 1754), mennonitischer Dichter und Prediger.
Gravure sur cuivre de Vincent van der Vinne (Haarlem 1686 – Haarlem 1742) graveur & artiste peintre mennonite. Extrait du livre «Leerzaame Zinnebeelden» (2 e édition de 1756) de Adriaan Spinniker (Groningen 1676 – Haarlem 1754), poète et pasteur mennonite.
Copper engraving by Vincent van der Vinne (Haarlem 1686 – Haarlem 1742) Mennonite engraver & painter. From the book «Leerzaame Zinnebeelden» (2nd edition from 1756) of Adriaan Spinniker (Groningen 1676 – Haarlem 1754), mennonite poet und reverend.
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Michel Ummel
Le Saucy 12
CH– 2722 Les Reussilles
Tel. ++41 (0)32 487 64 33 mmummel[@]bluewin.ch
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To protect and preserve objects of anabaptist Mennonite culture: papers, books, films, etc.
To continue the archival work of the Swiss Mennonite Conference and to archive if needed, the holdings of individual congregations of the conference.
To accept and care for eventual private collections of anabaptist objects.
To coordinate and promote the common work of the different Swiss Mennonite Conference groups and associations interested in the promotion of Mennonite cultural possessions. For example, by creating a common database of the holdings of the different groups.
To offer the gathered holdings to a wider public using modern methods of museum presentations.
To provide a good working environment for persons doing anabaptist research.
It was rare that anabaptists would systematically produce or carry incriminating documents describing their faith or their communities because of the intense persecution they lived under.
Ludwig Hätzer : Ein urteil gottes unsers eegemahels / wie man sich mit allen götzen und bildnussen halten sol, Zürich (Chr. Froschauer) 1523
Any documents of this kind which are found must be considered and handled as the rare and extremely valuable articles which they are.
Pflege des täuferischen Kulturgutes — Sauvegarde du patrimoine anabaptiste-mennonite — Protection of anabaptist-mennonite cultural possessions